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Let me introduce myself!


My name is Chris Powers and I am a local solo acoustic artist. I have been entertaining full time at a variety of venues in Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. In addition to solo gigs, I have put my vast knowledge of entertaining, plethora variety of music and talented performance ability into DJ opportunities at not only weddings and social events but steady gigs at local establishments; and co-front to a three piece party band named Off the List. Each venture has given me the opportunity to bring the crowd enjoyment with my acoustic talents, the innate understanding of music as a whole and my driving desire and ability to provide a full entertainment experience. I look forward to each new adventure and using music to entertain as many as I am able.

“Southbound” is officially out on all music and streaming platforms!  Go to ITunes, Spotify, pandora, YouTube and check out the new single to my upcoming EP “SouthBound”. This track features some fantastic players and all around great people. My good friend Mr. Jim Yeager on Drums and back up vocals, Mr. Brian Quinn ( Candlebox) on the slide Solo. Mr. Vincent Freeman recorded everything with me in The Underground - Recording Studio as well as recorded his very own tambourine track and, last but certainly not least my good friend Mr. Stevens Blanchard mastered this one for us! I can not thank these guys enough for everything they have done to bring this track to life! 

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I am very excited to announce that my new track “Back on my feet” is out on ITunes, Spotify, Apple Music and many other music streaming services!


This is the 2nd single that will be on my debut album

which will be out by the end of 2019. This song definitely has a heavier feel to it. Once again, I did this song in great company with my good friend and EXCELLENT engineer Vincent Freeman, as well as the insanely talented Titien Raymond on drums and one of my main cats Stevens Blanchard who played some guitar as well as mastered this track! Keep your eyes and ears open because we are working hard recording more music!

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